Friday, February 26, 2010


Falco amurenis 28-31 cm
This type of bird is spread in many parts of countries and also in Pakistan. In all plumage, has red to pale orange cere, eye-ring, legs and feet. Frequently hovers. In this type of bird we can found male has dark grey, with rufous thighs and under tail-coverts and while under wing-coverts. First year male shows mixture of adult male and juvenile characters. Female has dark grey upperparts, short moustachial stripe, whitish underparts with some dark barring and spotting and orange-buff thighs and undertail-coverts; uppertail barred; underwing white with strong dark barring. Junvenile has rufous buff fringes to upperparts, rufous-buff streaking on crown, and boldly streaked underparts. It is found in open country.
flacon concolor 33-36 cm
It is summer visitor type of bird which is found in Makran coast, Pakistan. It is slim with very long wings and tail (latter wedge-shaped at tip). Adult entirely pale grey with blackish flight feathers; Older male can be almost black. Juvenile has narrow buff fringes to upperparts, and yellowish-brown underparts and underwing- voverts which are diffusely streaked. It is found in rocky areas and desert
falco columbarius -25-30 cm
It is winter visitor type of bird found in N subcontinent. It has Small and compact with short, pointed wings. It's flight is typically swift with rapid beants interspersed with short dashing glides, when wings often closed into body. Where male has blue-grey upperparts, broad black subterminal tail-band, weak moustanchial stripe and diffuse patch of rufous-orange on nape. As well as female has juvenile have weak moustachial stripe, brown upperparts with variable rufous/buff markings and strongly barred uppertail. It is found in open Country.
falco subbuteo 30-36 cm
It is mostly found in himalayas; widespread winter visitor; also found in Sri-Lanka. It is Slim, with long pointed wings and medium-length tail. Hunting flight swift and powerful, with stiff beats interspersed with short glides. Mainly adult has broad black moustachial stripe, cream underparts with bold blackish streaking, and rufous thighs and undertail-coverts. Juvenile has dark brown upperparts with buffish fringes, pale buffish underparts which are more heavily streaked, and lacks rufous thighs and undertail-coverts. It is found in Well-wooded areas; also open country in winter.
falco severus 27-30 cm
It is found mainly Himalayas and NE India. Similar to Eurasian Hobby in stucture, flight action and appearance, although slightly stockier, with shorter tail. Adult has complete blackish hood, bluish-black upperparts, and unmarked rufous underparts and underwing-coverts. Junvenile has browner upperparts, and heavily streaked rufous-buff underparts. Open wodded hills.

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