Thursday, February 18, 2010


Fregata minor 85-105 cm
This type of birds visit in new places in another word we can say migrating bird. We can found this type of bird in Coasts of India, Sri-lanka and Maldives. In this type of bird adult male is only frigatebird which under part of body is all black. As well as in adult female has black cap and pink eye-ring and also found grey throat and black neck sides, lacks spur of white on underwing. Juvenile and immature have rufous or white head, blackish breast band and largely white underparts, which are gradually replaced by adult plumage; lack white spur on underwing (shown by all Lesser and some Christmas Island Frigatebirds); inseparable from some juvenile and immature Christmas Island, although any black on belly will indicate Great. Pelagic.

Fregata ariel 70-80 cm
It is also one of the migrating bird which is also found in the coasis of India, Sri Lanka and Maldives; has bred. Smaller and more finely built than other two frigatebirds. Adult male entirely black except for white spur extending from breast sides onto inner underwing. Adult Female has black head and red eye ring; also black throat, white neck sides, white spur extending from white breast onto inner underwing, and black belly and vent. Juvenile and immature have rufous or white head, blackish breast-band and much white on underparts, which are gradually replaced by adult plumage; always show white spur on underwing (lacking on Great); any black on belly indicates Lesser rather than christmas Island. Pelagic

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