Friday, March 19, 2010


Accipiter trivigatus 30-46cm
It is found mainly in Himalayas, NE and SW India and Sri-Lanka. It is larger in size and crest, best distinctions from Besra. It has short and broad wings, pinched in at base. It's wing-tips barely extend beyond tail base at rest. Where male has dark grey crownand paler grey ear-coverts, black submoustachial and gular stripes and rufous brown streaking on breast and barring on belly and flanks. As well as female has browner crown and ear coverts and browner streaking and barring on underparts. Junvenile has rufous or buffish fringes to crown, crest and nape feathers, streaked ear coverts and buff/rufous wash to streaked underparts (barring restricted to lower flanks and thighs). It is found in dense broadleaved tropical and subtropical forest.

Accipiter badius 30-36 cm
This type of bird is found mainly in all the countries except in parts of northwest. In this type adult are paler among Besra as well as Eurasian Sparrowhawk. The under part of its wing is pale, with fine barring on remiges and it has little darker in its wings tips. In this type of birds male birds upperparts is pale blue grey, similar type of grey gular stripe and its underparts is fine brownish orange barring, it is uncovered with white thighs as well as in the feather of central tail feathers was lightly barred. Where female has upperparts more brownish-grey. Juvenile has pale brown upperparts, more prominent gular stripe and streaked underparts; told from Juvenile Besra by paler upperparts. It is found in open woods and groves.

Accipiter butleri 30-34 cm
This type of bird is found in Nicobar island. The male has pale blue grey upperparts, mainly whitish underparts and underwing coverts, indistinct gular stripe and unbarred tail with narrow diffuse terminal band. Where female has slightly browner on upperparts, with marginally stronger barring on breast. Juvenile of nominate race has rufous upperparts, with dark brown feather centres, rufous buff underparts with browner, streaking, and dark banding on rufous cinnamon secondaries and tail. The single juvenile specimen from Great Nicobar has much browner and darker upperparts and may represent an under scribed race. It is live in dense forest as well as built it's nest in tall trees.

Accipiter soloensis 25-30 cm
This type of bird is winter visitor and found in Nicobar island. It has narrow and pointed wings, with long primary projection at rest. In this type of bird adult has blue grey head and upperparts, indistinct grey gular stripe and rufous orange breast; distinctive underwing pattern, with unbarred remiges and coverts, blackish wing tips and dark grey trailing edge. Sub-adults show some dark barring on underside of flight feathers. Juvenile has dark brown upperparts, pronouced dark gular stripe and rufous-brown spotting and barring on underparts; compared with juvenile Japanese Sparrowhawk, crown is a darker slate-grey than mantle, lacks distinct supercilium and has distinctive underwing pattern (dark grey wing tips and traling edge, largely unmarked greyish brown to pale rufous coverts). It is mainly found in Forest area and wooded country.

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