Tuesday, March 2, 2010


1. TIBETAN EARED PHEASANTS Crossoptilon harmani 72 cm
This type of birds is found in Himalayas of NE Arunacahl Pradesh. The colour of the bird is covered with Blue-grey, with white in throat and white nape band. It has red facial skin. It also has long broad and slightly downcurved tail. The sexes of the birds are similar. It is found in high-altitude forest.
Catreus wallichii M 90-118 cm, F 61-76 cm
This type of bird is found in W himalayas. It has long, broadly barred tail, pronounded crest, and red facial skin. In this type of bird male is more cleanly and strongly marked than female, with pronounced barring on mantle, unmarked neck, and broader barring across tail. Steep, craggy hillsides with scrub, secondary growth.
Syrmaticus humiae M 90 cm, F 60 cm
This type of bird is found in NE India. Where male bird has chestnut and blue-black, with white banding along scapulars and across wings and has strongly barred tail. As well has female has narrow whitish wing-bars, and white tips to tail feathers. In this type of bird both male and female have long graduated tail and red facial skin. This type of bird is found in Steep rocky slopes with forest and scrub.
Polyplectron bicalcaratum M 64 cm, F 48 cm
This type of bird is found in E himalayas and Bangladesh. Where Male has prominent purple and green ocelli, particularly on wing-coverts and tail; tail is long and broad, and has short tufted crest. Female is smaller, with shorter tail and smaller and duller ocelli. It is found in Undergrowth in tropical and subtropical forest.
Pavo cristatus M 180-230 cm, F 90-100 cm
It is found in India, SE Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan. Male has blue neck and breast, and spectaular glossy green train of elongated uppertail covert feathers with numerous ocelli. Female lacks elongated uppertail coverts; has whitish face and throat and white belly. Primaries of female are brown (chestnut in male), although this is not depicted on plate. Forest undergrowth in wild; villages and cultivation where semiferal.
Pavo muticus M 180-300 cm, F 100-110 cm
This is found in NE India and Bangladesh. Male has erect tufted crest, and is mainly green, with long green train of elongated uppertail covert feathers with numerous ocelli. Female lacks long train; otherwise is similar to male, but upperparts are browner. It is found in dense forest.

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